Monday, March 30, 2020

Brandon Gibson Essays (605 words) - Literature, Fiction, Narratology

Brandon Gibson Shana Hirsch English 102 30 October 2017 FICTIONAL SHORT STORIES Fictional short stories have been part of literature for many years. A fictional short story has a couple key points that define them. The term fiction means that the story has to be non-factual or have plenty of deviation from a true story. A dditionally, a short story must be short enough in length so that is can be read in one sitting . S hort stories, must also take their literary devices and use them in very unique manners. A good writer can use these items to create a unique and artistic story, as well as add a level of complexity . Some of the greatest short stories use these devices and leave a cryptic or underlying message , almost like a puzzle . The most important literary devices, which must be used well in order to create a great short story are; creation of a dynamic character, a well thought out theme, and proper use of the setting. "The Yellow Wallpaper" makes great use and creates a very dynamic character. The story follows a young, upper-middle-class woman, newly married and a mother, who is undergoing ca re for depression. The women starts to go crazy about the wallpaper in the house and begins to have creepy thoughts and visions about it. This story makes great use of a dynamic character because it is a story that follows a women with mental problems. Stories that use mentally unstable people create very interesting characters because there is so many hidden clues to discover . Each event in the story, which this women goes through, has to be analyzed deeply because they hold numerous or symbolic meanings. Some of these events, portray clues about the author's life and feelings. Many short stories put their themes to great use. One story that has a very unique and interesting theme is "The Lottery". The story is about a town of only around 300 people, which conduct an annual lottery. This lottery is to determine, who will be sacrificed to death by stoning. This story has a great theme because it is a theme that has to really be evaluated. The story does not leave a lot to tell, why this town conducts a lottery and kills an innocent citizen each year. This makes for a great theme because now, as the reader, you have to evaluate key words and segments in the story in order to find deeper meaning. Many things can be brought to debate such as; culture, tradition, religion, morals, and beliefs. I also feel that, not all themes come with a single meaning. I see the theme of this story as couple things. One being, the sacrifice of one for the benefit of others. And the other is how mankind will blindly follow tradition. Themes provide so much to be left with a reader to ponder over, but the s etting must also be laid out well. The setting in a story has to be perfect or the story will not work in harmony. "Young Goodman Brown" set up the story very well. This story follows a man as he journeys through the gloomy forest of Salem. The man encounters numerous eerie people and strange events in the forest. The setting for this story is a crucial aid for its success. This story must remain in a time period of witches, cloaks, and 17 th century type architecture. The story is based off the Salem Witch Hunt and even takes some of the real names from that event. The description and

Saturday, March 7, 2020

critique 4 (1) Essays (669 words) - Philosophy, Free Essays

critique 4 (1) Essays (669 words) - Philosophy, Free Essays Philosophy in Relation to Science, Religion, and Mythology Sidney Wright Howard University Philosophy in Relation to Science, Religion, and Mythology Karl Jaspers in Philosophical World Orientation shows the reader the contrast between philosophy and science, mythology, and religion. Philosophy is a broad field of knowledge while in science, there is no specific matter of the study; it lacks the "character" and "positivity" of religion (Jaspers ,296), and it involves to advanced thought for mythical tales. Science is a very subjective ( Jaspers 256) matter. Whenever you trying to experiment with science there has to be an object as a whole(Jasper 257). In other words, whenever you use science there must be something that you are attempting to manipulate. Science is a "cogent knowledge In other words it is logic and can be understood easily through experience and senses'(Jasper 78). Philosophy however works with many concepts or ideas that may not always be "testable. Philosophy can exist with no objects, while if objects were to disappear from the earth science would disappear as well. Science discusses, an object" while Philosophy gives that object a voice" With that being said, philosophy and science has very few distinctions because science is a step stone to philosophy. Science gives you a foundation of knowledge based on a object, but philosophy takes that expounds on it. Based on the authors description I believe Jaspers would define Philosophy as a concept that can help inv ent or publicize a commodity. Philosophy and religion has their own unique differences as well. Jasper believes that religion has positive character while philosophy lacks character"(Jasper 69 ) In other words religion no matter what it may be, gives people tangible evidence of hope in sacred texts and rituals such a prayer. Religion promises positive rewards such as eternal life If you follow certain rules. Not only does following the rules of your religion guarantee you eternal life , but it also promises blessings on Earth. Religion also answers some of the most controversial questions about the meaning of liff and other questions that could disturb someone's soul. Although philosophy attempts to answer questions regarding the meaning of life and attempts to grasp humanity's purpose" it is very different from religion. It has no sacred text, or special rituals . There is no place for anyone who practices philosophy to gather as a community. It is a completely independent journey that encourages freedom o f thought rather than the rules that religions promotes Philosophy doesn't have character because "it deals with reality instead of hopeful thought. So while the questions and answers asked in religion and philosophy may be similar, religion will alway has the same answer where philosophy may not because it is ever changing ''.Based on. Jaspers descriptions I believe he would also define Philosophy as a idea that has the power to control other while not giving them strict guidelines to follow. Lastly mythology and philosophy are different because philosophy is more relevant than mythology. Although mythology is a respectable work of literature ultimately it is only stories or tales made to question reality and meaning behind the phenomena of life.'' Philosophy does this as well, but in a way that is intellectually stimulating. It involves critical thinking, logical analysis to reach a place of total knowledge . Mythology "provides the human experience "(Jasper 125) but it does not measure to the level of thought that philosophy requires. Therefore mythology isn't a useful resource when questions about humanity and human extinction arise. Compared to religion, science and mythology i believe that The author believes philosophy quenches the thirst of knowledge more than any other subject . All of the other entities are just stepping stones reaching for the total Knowledge that is philosophy. Jaspers, Karl. Philosophy . University of Chicago Press, 1969.